The organizations listed below provide helpful information on issues about same-sex attraction.
Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity. The Alliance encourages human flourishing by promoting a more complete truth, informed by Judeo-Christian values and natural law, about the science of sexual orientation and biological sex through education, advocacy, clinical training, and therapy
Brothers Road. An international, multi-faith, peer-support fellowship that supports each other in exploring and fulfilling their needs for same-sex affection, community, and brotherhood in platonic and affirming ways that align with their values, faith, and life goals. They provide programs for men and women.
Century Publishing, LLC. Publishes books on same-sex attraction and related issues.
Come Arise Ministries. A Christian ministry that aims to provide education and support to those struggling with or wanting further understanding about gender identity, sexuality and relational connection with others.
Coming Out Again Ministries. A Christian ministry that helps those who voluntarily seek help for their same-sex attraction through faith-based discipling, advocacy, and support. They offer a one-to-one discipleship program, phone support, a family support group, and an itinerant speaker on the topic of undesired homosexuality.
Core Issues Trust. A registered charity in Northern Ireland operating throughout the UK and beyond. They campaign for the freedom to access pastoral care, counselling, and therapeutic choice. Its trustees and projects are advised by a range of like-minded individuals from Anglican, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal and Reformed traditions.
Courage. An organization for men and women who experience same-sex attractions and who are striving to develop a life of interior chastity in union with Christ. They are inspired by the Gospel call to holiness and the Catholic Church’s beautiful teachings about the goodness and inherent purpose of human sexuality. Through their apostolate, people who experience same-sex attraction receive pastoral support in the form of spiritual guidance, community prayer support, and fellowship. Members are committed to the Five Goals of Courage.
Desert Stream Ministries. An ecumenical ministry for those struggling with sexual and relational brokenness. They equip the body of Christ to gather in pursuit of radical wholeness.
Exchange Ministries. A non-denominational Christian ministry in Orlando, Florida. They provide support groups for individuals, family/parents, and spouses who love God and desire His identity and Word to be the defining factor of all things.
Exodus Global Alliance. An interdenominational Christian ministry that offers encouragement and education in addressing the issue of homosexuality from a Biblical perspective. Also see Exodus Latin America, and Exodus Asia Pacific. (Note that this organization is not affiliated with Exodus International which was discontinued.)
First Stone Ministries. A Christian ministry that offers hope to individuals struggling with sexual and relational sin, and those who love them, through effective, compassionate, and biblically steadfast ministry. They specialize in ministering to those with unwanted same-sex attraction, sexual behaviors, and identities.
Harvest USA. A resource to the local church, equipping individual congregations and the church at large to better care for and disciple those affected by sexual brokenness. They provide resources through blogs, videos, seminars, presentations, books, one-on-one discipleship, and support groups
Homosexuality and the Scientific Evidence. An academic site showing scientific evidence that homosexuality is not inborn or fixed.
Hope for Wholeness. A network of Christian ministries, churches, counselors, public speakers, and other organizations. They provide a workbook and video series curriculum on homosexuality as well as conferences.
Identify Ministries. A non-profit Christian ministry providing Christian discipleship, training, and support for those impacted by sexual and relational issues.
Joe Dallas. A ministry by Joe Dallas, an author, conference speaker, and ordained pastoral counselor. He directs a Biblical counseling ministry for those dealing with sexual and relational problems, and with their families.
Joel 2:25. A Christian community that engages and affirms men and women throughout the world who experience same-sex attraction, providing ongoing prayerful support that encourages relational healing, sexual sobriety, and spiritual growth. It has participants from over 65 countries and provides it’s website in several languages.
Journey Into Manhood. A peer-led experiential weekend where participants experience a compassionate yet challenging environment of self-discovery, inner healing, radical acceptance, and brotherly support. It is designed specially for men to address internal conflicts over their sexual thoughts, feelings, identity, values, and behaviors.
Journeys of Faith. A collection of personal stories of Christian individuals and families who address gender dysphoria or transgender identity who are striving to find congruence and peace within the context of faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
LDS365 Resources on Same-sex Attraction. A list of Latter-day Saint resources about same-sex attraction.
Living Hope Ministries A nondenominational ministry that provides a safe place for individuals seeking restoration and healing through weekly support group meetings, moderated online support forums, in-depth discipleship programs, and active partnerships with churches around the world.
New Life Ministries. Offers compassionate and empowering solutions to those who find themselves in life’s difficult places and who are missing what God desires for their lives. Every Man’s Battle is a weekend program to help men learn what sexual integrity means.
North Star. A faith affirming resource for Latter-day Saints addressing sexual orientation and gender identity who desire to live in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the doctrine and values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They offer education, online communities, and conferences.
Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX). A national non-profit organization committed to helping ex-gays and parents and friends of gays who want help, hope and community.
Portland Fellowship. A non-profit, interdenominational ministry that offers a message of freedom and hope found in Jesus Christ. They offer biblical instruction, Christ-centered accountability groups, personal testimonies, trained peer-to-peer support, and professional counseling referrals to assist individuals who desire to embrace their true identity in Christ.
Positive Approaches To Healthy Sexuality (PATH). A non-profit ecumenical coalition of organizations that believe in traditional family values based upon time-honored Biblical principles. Their main goal is to promote healthy sexuality and traditional family values.
Pure Life Ministries. A Christian ministry that provides residential and over-the-phone counseling for men who struggle with sexual sin. This ministry also helps wives of men who struggle with sexual sin.
Pure Passion Media. Covers life stories out of sex trafficking, porn addiction, AIDS, former LGBT, parents or spouse experiences
Reach Truth. An online program for individuals to find truth and grace in their sexual struggles. Associated with the Portland Fellowship.
Restored Hope Network. A coalition of Christian ministries serving those who desire to overcome relational and sexual issues in their lives and those impacted by homosexuality.
ReStory Ministries. A faith-based organization that provides educational resources, training and consultations for churches and leaders, hope and tools for people who struggle with LGBTQ, and referrals for individuals and families looking for ongoing support.
Same-Sex Attraction. An official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about same-sex attraction. An informational website created by people who believe that if you experience same-sex attraction, you have options on how to live your life—including identity and sexual behavior.
Sexaholics Anonymous. A fellowship of men and women with a solution to the problems of lust, sex, and pornography addiction. The philosophy and program is based on the twelve steps and twelve traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Taking Back Ground. An online discipleship program for men and women struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions.
Transforming Congregations. A ministry of United Methodist Churches that equips UMC, GMC, Wesleyan, and Methodist pastors and leaders to help congregations experience restoration of their God-given identity as well as relational and sexual wholeness through leadership training, preaching, and discipleship resources.
True Freedom Trust. A UK-based teaching and pastoral support ministry that holds to the orthodox biblical view of sex, gender, and relationships. They provide pastoral care for those who struggle with same-sex temptations and gender incongruence. They hold conferences around the UK aimed at encouraging and equipping Christians to hold firm to biblical teaching and to trust in the God of all grace in the midst of struggles and temptations.
True to Him. A collection of personal stories and testimonies of Latter-day Saint individuals and families addressing sexual orientation or gender identity who are striving to find congruence and peace within the context of faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Voice(s) of Hope A collection of testimonials by individuals who have found answers in the gospel of Jesus Christ to address the role of same-sex attraction in their lives. In these video accounts, they share their stories of process, strategy, setbacks, joys, struggles, and triumphs as a means to help others along their own journey.
Where Grace Abounds. A Christian ministry that guides and supports men and women who seek to understand sexuality and relationship, and inspires people to know and personally appropriate God’s plan for their sexuality and relationships. Provides help with sexual addiction, pornography, past sexual abuse, homosexuality, sexual identity, false intimacy, boundaries, and codependency.